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Royalty Free Stock Footage Pres Barack Obama Stimulus Plan And Job Creation
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Synopsis: President Obama, flanked by Ohio construction workers in safety vests and hard hats, reminded Americans that stimulus dollars continue to add new jobs hoping to counter some of the grim economic news in the nation. “Now, as my friend Joe Biden, who has done a great job overseeing the Recovery Act, would say, this is a big deal,” Obama said. “I'm under no illusion that we're where we need to be yet,” Obama said Friday. “I know that a lot of families and communities have yet to feel the effects of the recovery in their own lives. There are still too many people here in Ohio and across the country who can't find work. Many more can't make ends meet. And for these folks, the only jobs we create that matter are the ones that provide for their families. So while the recovery may start with projects like this, it can't end here.”
Information: June 18, 2010 COL 13 min
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