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Public Domain Stock Footage Harry Reid Campaign Speech
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Synopsis: President Barack Obama appears with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) in support of Senator Reid's re-election campaign... (read more)
Information: July 12, 2010 COL 27 min
Show All President Barack Obama Titles Sen. Maj. Leader Harry Reid Campaign Rally

Senator Reid said in his opening statement “Nevada is being tested economically like never before”. He talked about the team he has served on for the last 18-months, calling it a good team and said the team had accomplished a lot. He listed all of the things the team had regarding tobacco companies, credit card companies, mortgage fraud, then stated “health care reform will reduce the debt by 1.2 trillion dollars over the first 20-years”. He then continued with placing the blame for the poor economy on “wall street banks that gambled with our money and lost. They gambled with our jobs and lost”. He then attacked the ruthless insurance companies and irresponsible oil companies that pollute our planet leading into his statement “we are going to lead in renewable energy at this great university”. Reid said “we promised there would be jobs in renewable energy and there are thousands of people working right now because we fulfilled that promise”. He also stated “never again will Americans bailout banks that created their own problems”. Reid stated “the Senate Republicans have been the party of no”. Reid introduces President Obama.

Excepts of Obama's Speech:

Thank you, Harry. I’m especially pleased to be here with my friend and your Senator, Harry Reid. we are in a different place today. Our economy is growing, instead of shrinking. We have gained private sector jobs for each of the past six months, instead of losing them. Almost 600,000 new jobs. But the simple truth is, it took years to dig this hole, and it’s going to take more time than any of us would like to climb out of it. The question is how do we accelerate that process? How do we get this recovery to pick up steam? How do we fill the hole?

It’s our businesses, large and small. The private sector – not government – is, was, and always will be the source of America’s economic success. That’s why we’ve cut dozens of taxes for the middle class and small businesspeople, extended loan programs to put capital in the hands of startups and worked to reduce the cost of health care for small businesses.

Well, I believe that if an American company wants to create jobs and grow, we should be there to help them do it. That’s why I’m urging Congress to invest $5 billion more in these kinds of clean energy manufacturing tax credits, more than doubling the amount we made available last year.

I’m gratified that this initiative is drawing support from Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, including Republican Senators Richard Lugar and Orrin Hatch. But the fact is, that kind of bipartisanship has been absent on a whole host of other efforts Harry and I have taken up over the past year and a half.

We fought to keep Nevada teachers, firefighters, and police officers on the job; and to extend unemployment insurance and COBRA so folks have health care while they’re out of work and looking for a job. We fought to stop health insurance companies from denying you coverage on the basis of preexisting conditions; from dropping people’s coverage when they get sick; and from placing lifetime limits or restrictive annual limits on the amount of care they can receive.

We fought to eliminate wasteful subsidies that go to banks to act as unnecessary middlemen in administering student loans and make the repayment of loans more manageable for students. And we are now on the cusp of enacting Wall Street reforms that will empower consumers with the clear and concise information they need to make financial decisions that are best for them, and help prevent another crisis like this from ever happening again.

That’s what Harry and I have fought for, but at every turn, we’ve met a wall of opposition and obstruction from leaders across the aisle.

So, let me just close by saying this. I know we’ve been through tough times, Nevada. And I can’t promise you the difficult days are all behind us. I can’t promise you there won’t be more times to come. But I can promise you this: we are headed in the right direction.