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Barack Obama And Joe Biden - Campaign Events
Contemporary broadcast quality stock footage covering the speeches made by Democratic Candidate for President of the United States, Senator Barack Obama and Candidate for Vice President, Joe Biden.
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Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

April 26, 2008 COL 32 min Anderson, IN
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Candidate for President Barack Obama answers questions from the audience. Topics discussed by Mr. Obama were the VA Health Care System, Universal Health Care, Customer Service In America, reaching out to members of both parties, and help for children born with special needs.

Barack Obama
Barack And Michelle Obama Talk With Families

April 27, 2008 COL 25 min Indianapolis, IN
NTSC: $349 PAL: $399

Barack and Michelle Obama have a discussion with a small group of families in a park where they discuss the issues of education, health care, influence of large political donors, engaging young Americans in the political process and other issues of interest. Michelle voices her opinion on several of the issues.

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

April 28, 2008 COL 72 min Wilmington, NC
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama is introduced by a kindergarten teacher. Speaks on one-stop early vote in North Carolina. Obama explains why is now running for President. He talks about lack of governmental oversight and lost of faith in our government. He said one thing was certain the name George W. Bush or “my cousin Dick Cheney” will not be on the ballot and the Democrats will be united in November. Talks about gas prices, tax breaks for the oil companies and rich Americans. Touches on education, trade policies, and closes with a story about his family.

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

April 29, 2008 COL 64 min Winston Salem, NC
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

Speaking at the Joel Coliseum Annex, Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama gave a speech followed by a town hall Q&A. Of the proposed summer gas tax holiday Obama said it would last for three months and it would only save you on average half a tank of gas, or $25-30.” He opposed taking money from the highway trust fund, which he said might also temporarily eliminate jobs in highway construction.

Solving problems was the focus of Obama’s speech, stressing transparency and accountability in government. We have to change how politics is done in Washington so that it’s responsive to you, not the lobbyists and special interest groups. Obama went on to address the Iraq War, health care, education, energy, African foreign aid, winning the white working class vote, situation in Darfur, no child is left behind, stopping the Iraq War. In regards to the war in Iraq, Obama said we are in a war in Iraq that I believe should have never been authorized and that he would support a phased withdrawal over 16 months when asked how would he stop the war. He pledged to provide health care to every American by the end of his first term.
Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

May 1, 2008 COL 64 min South Bend, IN
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

Sitting on a stool amid hay bales and a wagon in a barn, Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, expressed his understanding of their concerns to simply let them farm instead of filling out forms to comply with government regulations. Mr. Obama talks of need to change how things are done in Washington and blamed opposition by insurance and drug companies for lack of healthcare reform. The same for energy and cited our dependence on foreign oil as well as quoting the profits of Exxon-Mobile for last quarter.

What we need is a real energy policy; one that will invest in alternative fuels, will create jobs, and rebuild rural America. He criticized the big agribusiness. Issues raised were lack of quality care for returning veterans and he outlined changes in the VA he would make including increase funding, limit lobbist influence in Congress, would provide same healthcare system as members of Congress, mend relationships with other world countries, climate change has to be a top priority, equal pay for working women, fair trade versus free trade. Mr. Obama plugged inner-city development as a way to save farmland and reduce urban sprawl. One farmer asked Candidate Obama if it's true he refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

May 1, 2008 COL 60 min Jefferson, IN
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Barack Obama
Campaign Event - Intro By Jay Rockefeller

May 12, 2008 COL 34 min Charleston, WV
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

After a short speech by Jay Rockefeller, Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, takes the stage at this “Support Our Veterans” rally. The focus of this rally is the sacred trust we owe our service men & women. Mr. Obama touches on the VA caring for returning veterans, the 21st century G.I. Bill being debated in Congress, health care for all Americans, early childhood education, $4000 college tuition credit, investing in alternate energy sources, creation of jobs.

Barack Obama
Campaign Event - With John Edwards

May 14, 2008 COL 3 min Grand Rapids, MI
NTSC: $349 PAL: $399

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, with John Edwards in which he closes his speech with “If you are willing to put down the fear and join John Edwards and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the Democrats I promise you we will not just win this election we will change the country and change the world”.

Barack Obama
Campaign Rally

May 21, 2008 COL 40 min Tampa, FL
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, quotes Dr. Martin Luther King by saying I am running because of “the furious urgency of now”. We are in a war we must win in Afghanistan and involved in a war that should never have been waged. We can’t wait to fix our schools, we can’t wait to fix our health care system, we can’t wait to bring good jobs to Tampa and we can’t wait to end this war in Iraq and that is the reason I am running for President. The name George W. Bush will not be on the ballot and the name of “my cousin Dick Cheney” will not be on the ballot.

Touches on health care, foreign oil, profits of big oil, no energy policy, special interest in Washington, must invest in alternative energy, raise fuel efficiency standards on cars, invest in mass transit. I want to invest $150 billion dollars over 10-years in solar, wind, bio-diesel, create millions of new jobs while saving our environment and ending our dependence on foreign oil. I intend to save Social Security and if our seniors make $50,000 or less no income tax on their Social Security. No tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Intend to reach out to Republicans and Independents. Born to a teenage mother, father left when I was two, raised by grandparents.

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

May 28, 2008 COL 46 min Thorton, CO
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama, holds a Town Hall Meeting at the Mapleton Expeditionary School of The Arts (MESA) where talks about the poor state of the education system in America and calls on a new era of leadership that will fix the problems with the current “no child left behind policy”. He discusses the drop out rate of students by stating “I know these children. I began my career over two decades ago as a community organizer on Chicago south side working with parents, teachers and local leaders and was able to change the future for some children”. He talks about the MESA type of schools.

After a speech he takes questions from the audience. He discusses the education of students of good character that has been in the United States for fives years or more. He states “ change in America happens from the bottom up not from the top down” because people decide we want reform. I want to post on the Internet all legislation coming out of Congress, I want to make sure we are having virtual town hall meetings, I don't want to sell programs like a soap commercial, I want people to have a voice in the debates taking place with transparency and accountability so we can be more effective.

Barack Obama
Campaign Rally - St. Paul, MN

June 3, 2008 COL 33 min
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama is joined by his wife Michelle Obama and announces that after 54 hard-fought contests, the democratic primary season is finally over. Mr. Obama compliments his worthy adversary for the Democratic nomination Hillary Clinton, then continues on that it is time for change in how things are done in Washington, D.C. Mr. Obama touches on the Iraq War, the power of Diplomacy, the economy, energy policy and that the journey to find solutions for these challenges will be long and difficult but that it can be done.

Barack Obama
AIPAC Address

June 4, 2008 COL 38 min
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Candidate for President Barack Obama addresses AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) which is an American lobbying group advocating for pro-Israel policies in Washington. Mr. Obama begins his speech by addressing the issue concerning email grass roots campaigns that attempt to label him anti-Israel. Mr. Obama continues with how he became familiar with the struggle of the Jewish people at a young age, a story about his mother and his travels, his great uncle who witnessed the effects of the Holocaust when liberating a Nazi concentration camp during WWII. Mr. Obama then discusses shared interests and values between the United States and Israel, cooperation in Defense between the two countries, the importance of Israel's security and touches on the threat of Iran.

Barack Obama
Change That Works For You Rally

June 9, 2008 COL 51 min Raleigh, NC
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

As an introduction to the rally, Pamela Cash Roper tells of the health problems experienced first by her husband, then herself and the struggle this family has to cover medical expenses after losing health insurance coverage. This lady, a life long Republican, later spoke at the Democratic National Convention and explained why she was voting for Obama.

Barack Obama
Campaign Event - Faith Based Groups

July 1, 2008 COL 36 min Zaneville, OH
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama, speaks on the importance of Faith Base Groups and how they are important partners with secular Government programs in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. Mr. Obama further states that he believes deeply in the Separation of Church and State but that if a few rules were agreed up, mainly that faith-based groups that receive a Federal Grant not use that money to proselytize, then these groups and the Government can work together. Barack Obama also announces his intention to set up A Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to help strengthen and promote these relationships.

Barack Obama
National Service Speech

July 3, 2008 COL 54 min Fargo, ND
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Barack Obama invited more than 200 veterans to a Rally as he spoke about the American ideals of freedom and opportunity cherished by soldiers who serve their country. "Keeping faith with those who served must always be at the core of America," Obama said. "It's a core American value and a cornerstone of American patriotism." After a short speech, Obama took questions. At least two veterans asked how he would respond to a military threat in Iran. "It's just common sense for us to be willing to talk and listen to anybody, Not to give in, but to make clear where we stand, what our interests are, what we believe in. That kind of tough diplomacy is a supplement to our military power."

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting - Economic Security For Women

July 9, 2008 COL 67 min Fairfax, VA
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

(Speech - not complete, minor dropouts.)

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama tells the story of his mother, being raised by his grandmother and the 'glass ceiling' both hit in the corporate world. He continues with his plan to create paid leave systems, expand the Earned Income Tax Credit and raising minimum wage to keep up with rising costs.

Barack Obama
Campaign Speech - Foreign Policy

July 16, 2008 COL 41 min Reagan Building
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, states we needed a new overarching strategy to meet the challenges of a new and dangerous world. Such a strategy would join overwhelming military strength with sound judgment. The attacks of September 11 brought new reality into a terrible and ominous focus.

We could have deployed the full force of American power to hunt down and destroy Osama bin Laden, al-Qaida, the Taliban, and all of the terrorists responsible for 9/11, while supporting real security in Afghanistan. We could have secured loose nuclear materials around the world, and updated a 20th century non-proliferation framework to meet the challenges of the 21st. We could have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in alternative sources of energy to grow our economy, save our planet, and end the tyranny of oil. We could have strengthened old alliances, formed new partnerships, and renewed international institutions to advance peace and prosperity. We could have called on a new generation to step into the strong currents of history, and to serve their country as troops and teachers, Peace Corps volunteers and police officers. We could have secured our homeland--investing in sophisticated new protection for our ports, our trains and our power plants. We could have rebuilt our roads and bridges, laid down new rail and broadband and electricity systems, and made college affordable for every American to strengthen our ability to compete. We could have done that. Instead, we have lost thousands of American lives, spent nearly a trillion dollars, alienated allies and neglected emerging threats - all in the cause of fighting a war for well over five years in a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

I am running for President of the United States to lead this country in a new direction - to seize this moment's promise. As President, I will pursue a tough, smart and principled national security strategy. - I opposed going to war in Iraq. In the 18 months since the surge began, as I warned at the outset - Iraq's leaders have not made the political progress that was the purpose of the surge. That's why the second goal of my new strategy will be taking the fight to al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We can't succeed in Afghanistan or secure our homeland unless we change our Pakistan policy. We cannot tolerate nuclear weapons in the hands of nations that support terror. Preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons is a vital national security interest of the United States. One of the most dangerous weapons in the world today is the price of oil. We ship nearly $700 million a day to unstable or hostile nations for their oil. I'll invest $150 billion over the next ten years to put America on the path to true energy security. This immediate danger is eclipsed only by the long-term threat from climate change, which will lead to devastating weather patterns, terrible storms, drought, and famine. We'll set a goal of an 80% reduction in global carbom emissions by 2050 Now it falls to join with friends and partners to lead the world anew.

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting

August 19, 2008 COL 66 min Raleigh, NC
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

Sympathizes with audience with costs continuing to increase in tough economic times. Shares the story of Pamela Cash Roper and her health story as well as hits on job losses, gasoline prices, home foreclosures, Social Security system, and promises help for working families, education, energy, tax credits for struggling homeowners, health care, and promises all these changes in first term.

Barack Obama
Discussion On Economy

August 20, 2008 COL 85 min Martinsville, VA
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

The Rally opens with comments by a local Henry County citizen followed by a speech and Obama introduction by Mark Warner, former Governor of Virginia. In his opening statement, Obama announced Mark Warner would deliver the keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. The focus of this rally was on the economy and creation of jobs. (note: some digital dropouts)

Barack Obama
Town Hall Meeting - With Virginia Governor Tim Kaine

August 21, 2008 COL 82 min Chester, VA
NTSC: $449 PAL: $549

Introduction by Gov. Kaine calling Obama a “unifier and a man who will bring about change at a time our nation needs it". Positioning himself as a champion of the middle class, Obama said "ultimately this election is not about me, it's about you. It's about your hopes. It's about your dreams. So just remember that fact - this election is about you and who's going to fight for you."

He noted that family income had gone up $6,000 under Former President Bill Clinton, but had gone down $1,000 under President George W. Bush. He said ordinary Americans need someone in the White House fighting for them. Mr. Obama turned to issues: taxes, health care, energy, companies that ship jobs overseas. He mentioned 95% of families would get tax relief under his plan; they would make health care available to everyone; he would launch an Apollo Project aimed at reducing dependency on foreign oil by 30%.

Candidate Obama then took questions from the audience. Inexperience on foreign policy, his top priority first 120 days in office, privatizing the postal service. No Child Left Behind program, his grassroots organizations if he became president, how would the poorest voters benefit from his presidency, what would your administration do to make the job of people like Mayor Wilder a little bit easier?

Barack Obama
9-11 Forum

September 11, 2008 COL 57 min Columbia University
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Barack Obama
Community Gathering - Joe Biden

September 16, 2008 COL 39 min Media, PA
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Barack Obama
Campaign Rally

September 17, 2008 COL 41 min Las Vegas, NV
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, states we are in the midst of the most serious financial crisis in generations. Three of America's five largest investment banks have failed or been sold off in distress. Our housing market is in shambles, and Monday brought the worst losses on Wall Street since the day after September 11th. Today we learned that the Fed had to take unprecedented action to prevent the failure of one of the largest insurance companies in the world from causing an even larger crisis. We do not know all the details of the arrangement with AIG. It was one year ago that I called on our Treasury Secretary and our FED Chairman to bring every stakeholder together and find a solution to the subprime mortgage meltdown before it got worse. I will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95% of all working families. I will finally keep the promise of affordable, accessible health care for every single American. ow is the time to finally meet our moral obligation to provide every child a world-class education.

Barack Obama
Campaign Rally

September 18, 2008 COL 37 min Espanola, NM
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, states we are in the midst of the most serious financial crisis in generations. Three of America's five largest investment banks have failed or been sold off in distress. Our housing market is in shambles, Monday brought the worst losses on Wall Street since the day after September 11th. It was two years ago that I introduced legislation to stop mortgage transactions that promoted fraud, risk or abuse. It was one year ago that I called on our Treasury Secretary and our FED Chairman to bring every stakeholder together and find a solution to the subprime mortgage meltdown before it got worse I will finally keep the promise of affordable, accessible health care for every single American. I know this is a critical issue in the Hispanic community, where one in three people don't have health insurance The Hispanic community will play a critical role in this election. Some of the closest contests this November will be in states like Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and here in New Mexico - states with large Hispanic populations.

Barack Obama
Campaign Event With Hillary Clinton

September 20, 2008 COL 45 min Orlando, FL
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama is joined by Hillary Clinton for a 'Change We Need' campaign event. Mr. Obama takes the opportunity to announce that former General Colin Powell has decided to support his campaign for President. Barack Obama list his plan for America's economy to promote green jobs, ending dependence on foreign oil and well as building infrastructure such as roads and schools. Mr. Obama also states that he will work with Hillary Clinton to fix the problems in the Health Care System.

Barack Obama
Change We Need Rally

October 1, 2008 COL 39 min La Crosse, WI
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

"On Monday, over the course of a few hours, the failure to pass the economic rescue plan in the House led to the single largest decline of the stock market in two decades. This financial crisis is a direct result of the greed and irresponsibility that has dominated Washington and Wall Street for years. From the moment I take office, my top priority will be to do everything I can to make sure that your tax dollars are protected. We cannot mortgage our children's future on a mountain of debt. It's time to return to the fiscal responsibility and pay as you go budgeting that we had in the 1990s. I will go through the entire federal budget, page by page, line by line, and eliminate the programs that don't work and aren't needed. That's what I'll do as President. I will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95% of all workers and their families. And if you make less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increase one single dime. I will reform our health care system to relieve families, businesses, and the entire economy from the crushing cost of health care by investing in new technology and preventative care. To create new jobs, I'll invest in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure - our roads, schools, and bridges. We'll rebuild our outdated electricity grid and build new broadband lines to connect America. And I'll create the jobs of the future by transforming our energy economy. We'll tap our natural gas reserves, invest in clean coal, and find ways to safely harness nuclear power. I'll help our auto companies re-tool so that the fuel-efficient cars of the future are built right here the United States. And if I am President, I will meet our moral obligation to provide every child a world-class education, because it will take nothing less to compete in the global economy."

Barack Obama
Change We Need Rally

October 8, 2008 COL 38 min Indianapolis, IN
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obma speaks of a moment of great uncertainty for America. Significant drop in the stock market as this financial crisis grew worse. Same thing happened with markets around the world. This morning, the Federal Reserve took swift action together with other nations to stem what is now a full-blown global financial crisis. It will take new leadership in Washington. It will take a real change in the policies and politics of the last eight years.

Health care is personal for me. My mother died of ovarian cancer at the age of 53, and I'll never forget how she spent the final months of her life lying in a hospital bed, fighting with her insurance company because they claimed that her cancer was a pre-existing My health care plan will ensure that insurance companies can't discriminate against those who are sick and need care most. If you don't have health insurance, you'll be able to get the same kind of health insurance that Members of Congress get for themselves.

Eight years of economic policies that put Wall Street before Main Street but ended up hurting both. I'll give a middle-class tax cut to 95% of all workers. If you make less than $250,000 a year, you won't see your taxes increase one single dime - not your payroll taxes, not your income taxes, not your capital gains taxes - nothing. The last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle-class.

I'll put two million more Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling roads, schools, and bridges - because it is time to build an American infrastructure for the 21st century. I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create five million new, green jobs over the next decade - jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced; jobs building solar panels and wind turbines and fuel-efficient cars; jobs that will help us end our dependence on oil from Middle East dictators. If you commit to serving your country after you graduate, we will make sure you can afford your tuition. You invest in America, America will invest in you.

I will take on the corruption in Washington and on Wall Street I will go through the entire federal budget, page by page, line by line, and eliminate programs that don't work and aren't needed. We'll start by ending a war in Iraq

Joe Biden
Community Gathering

October 8, 2008 COL 32 min Tampa, FL
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Barack Obama
Campaign Speech - Economic Plan

October 13, 2008 COL 29 min Toledo, OH
NTSC: $349 PAL: $399

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, states the economic crisis we face is the worst since the Great Depression. I've laid out a set of policies that will grow our middle-class and strengthen our economy in the long-term. I'll reform our tax code so that 95% of workers and their families get a tax cut, and eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000. I'll bring down the cost of health care for families and businesses by investing in preventative care, new technology, and giving every American the chance to get the same kind of health insurance that members of Congress give themselves.

We'll ensure every child can compete in the global economy by recruiting an army of new teachers and making college affordable for anyone who wants to go. We'll create five million new, high-wage jobs by investing in the renewable sources of energy that will eliminate the oil we currently import from the Middle East in ten years, and we'll create two million jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, schools, and bridges.

Barack Obama
Campaign Event With Hillary Clinton

October 20, 2008 COL 47 min Orlando, FL
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, and former condidtate Hillary Clinton appeared together at a campaign event where Hillary spoke first and said “we can’t take a single vote for granted tell your friends Hillary sent you to vote for Barack Obama”. The mortgage crisis has become an econonic crisis. The Repulicans gave a bailout to the big Wall Street firms and to the big banks, but who will bailout the hardworking people of Florida? She said a Democratic President did it before and a Democratic President will do it again. The new democratic slogan is "jobs, baby, jobs".

Candidate Obama said the economic crisis we face is the greatest since the great depression, busnesses find it impossible to get loans, and 115,000 Florida workers have lost their jobs this year. He touches on a home foreclosure moritorium, tax relief for middleclass families, Job and Growth fund, invest $15 billion per year in renewable sources of energy, create 5- million new green jobs, health care for every American, investing in early childhood education, recruiting an army of new teachers, and college education for anyone that will give back to their country or community. Tells story of having “pie in diner’ owned by a Republican.

Barack Obama
Early Vote For Change Rally

October 20, 2008 COL 40 min Tampa, FL
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, starts off with Hello, Tampa! And congratulations to your Rays!

Former General Colin Powell, joined our cause The rescue plan that passed Congress was a necessary first step to easing this credit crisis, but if we're going to rebuild this economy from the bottom up, we need an immediate rescue plan for the middle-class - and that's what I'll offer as President of the United States. . That's why I've called for a three-month moratorium on home foreclosures. I'll help small businesses get back on their feet by eliminating capital gains taxes and giving them emergency loans to keep their doors open and hire workers. And I will create a Jobs and Growth fund to help states and local governments save one million jobs and pay for health care and education without having to raise your taxes.

Barack Obama
American Jobs Summit - Palm Beach Community College

October 21, 2008 COL 92 min Lake Worth, FL
NTSC: $499 PAL: $599

Democratic Candidate for President, Barack Obama holds a “Growing American Jobs Summit”. After a short speech he joins a panel consisting of: Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Former Reserve Chairman Paul Volker, and Victoria Villalba, Small Business Owner. Each panel member talks about the biggest challenges they see in the economy and the approach they would recommend. After each panel member answers questions taken from the audience.

Joe Biden
Campaign Rally

October 21, 2008 COL 32 min Greelet, CO
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Barack Obama
Campaign Event

October 22, 2008 COL 28 min Richmond, VA
NTSC: $349 PAL: $399

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, speaks that former General Colin Powell, has joined our cause. We've lost more than 750,000 jobs this year. Wages are lower than they've been in a decade, at a time when the cost of health care and college have never been higher. It's getting harder and harder to make the mortgage, or fill up your gas tank, or even keep the electricity on at the end of the month I've proposed a new American jobs tax credit for each new employee that companies hire here in the United States over the next two years. And I'll stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas and invest in companies that create good jobs right here in Virginia If I am President, I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create five million new, green jobs over the next decade. If I am President, I will finally fix the problems in our health care system

Barack Obama
Statement On Foreign Policy And Economy

October 22, 2008 COL 22 min Richmond, VA
NTSC: $349 PAL: $399

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, states we just finished a meeting with Senator Biden and members of my senior working group on national security. I was also honored to receive the support of Colin Powell. We are in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 are still at large and plotting, and we must be vigilant in preventing future attacks. We can't afford another President who ignores the fundamentals of our economy while running up record deficits to fight a war without end in Iraq. For the sake of our economy, our military, and the long-term stability of Iraq, it's time for the Iraqis to step up. Ending the war will help us deal with Afghanistan.

Barack Obama
Change We Need Rally

October 28, 2008 COL 41 min Pittsburgh, PA
NTSC: $399 PAL: $449

Democratic Nominee for President, Barack Obama, explains that after decades of broken politics in Washington, eight years of failed policies from George Bush, and twenty-one months of a campaign that has taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are one week away from change in America. In one week, you can turn the page on policies that have put the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street.

It's true that I want to roll back the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans I will give American businesses a $3,000 tax credit for every job they create right here in the United States of America. We'll create two million new jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, and bridges, and schools, and by laying broadband lines to reach every corner of the country. I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create five million new energy jobs over the next decade - jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced; jobs building solar panels and wind turbines and a new electricity grid; jobs building the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow, not in Japan or South Korea but here in the United States of America; jobs that will help us eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East in ten years and help save the planet in the bargain.

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