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To The Shores Of Iwo Jima
- High Definition Film Transfer: (24-hr. turnaround)
- HD ProRes -- $549.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p ProRes 422HQ Quicktime
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keywords: wwii, pacific theater, invasion of iwo jima, operation detachment, u.s. marines in combat, naval bombardment, assault landing craft, u.s. marines kia, mount suribachi, flamethrowers, adm. richmond kelly turner, raising u.s. flag on mount suribachi, wounded u.s. marines, truck-mounted rocket launchers, flamethrower tanks, u.s. marines kia, b-29 superfortress bomber, p-51 mustang fighter
Synopsis: The WWII invasion of Iwo Jima codenamed Operation Detachment shot by combat cameramen of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and edited together by Warner Bros. including scenes of detailing the heavily fortified and intricate Japanese defenses, U.S. Naval bombardment of Iwo Jima, assault landing craft in 10 waves move toward beaches, U.S. Marines KIA on beachhead, Marines advancing inland under intense enemy fire, Marines using flamethrowers, iconic scene of the raising of the American Flag on Mount Suribachi, tank firing on Japanese positions, U.S. truck-mounted rocket launchers firing, Flamethrower tanks in action, B-29 Bombers and P-51 Fighters take off from captured airfield and more...(read more)
- Date: 1945
- Duration: 00:19:28
- Sound: Yes
- Color: Color
- Type: Public Domain
- Language: English
- Location: Iwo Jima

To The Shores Of Iwo Jima Reel-1
Animated world globe and map showing the Japanese defenses to protect the homeland of Japan with a focus on Iwo Jima. A graphic cutaway detailing how deep the intricate underground defense systems of tunnels, caves, and bunkers go inside the mountain.
Naval bombardment begins on Iwo Jima to soften up targets and landing zones. Aircraft from U.S. aircraft carriers take off to strafe and bomb enemy positions. CU of guns on U.S. ships firing to clear the beaches ahead of invasion barges. Night scenes of U.S. rocket ship firing ripple salvos. Assault landing craft circling while waiting for the red & yellow "flag to drop" on the central control vessel. Landing craft head for the beach, CU of Marine in landing craft.
Aerial view of 500 landing craft in 10 waves heading for a 3,000 yard landing zone of beach. Marines exit their landing crafts and going prone in the volcanic beach sand. Bodies of U.S. Marines KIA on beachhead. Wounded Marines carried on stretchers for medical evacuation. Light tanks coming ashore and advancing inland.
LVTs advancing with U.S. Marines under fire as they advance off the beachhead designated "Yellow Beach". On "Green Beach" Marines are pinned down by intense Japanese fire coming from Mount Suribachi. Message for fire support is received by the Command Ship offshore. Flight of naval aircraft attack the dug-in Japanese positions on Mount Suribachi with bombs as naval ships direct fire point-blank. After 72 hours of continuous bombing and shelling of Mount Suribachi U.S. Marines are able to advance inland off "Green Beach". Mortar crews busy with fire-support missions. Soldiers with flamethrowers flush Japanese soldiers out of the caves and tunnels. Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner looking through binoculars from the Command Ship offshore.
To The Shores Of Iwo Jima Reel-2
The iconic scene the electrified the Nation as U.S. soldiers raise the American flag on Mount Suribachi located on the Southern tip of Iwo Jima. Flag raisers are Ira Hayes USMC, *Franklin Sousley USMC, *Michael Strank USMC, John Bradley USN, Rene Gagnon USMC and *Harlon Block USMC. (*killed on Iwo Jima)
U.S. Marines advance toward the main Japanese garrison was on the northern part of Iwo Jima. Navy personnel and Coast Guardsmen unload supplies from landing craft. PAN view of supplies on beachhead. Tank firing on Japanese positions as Marines advance on the run. Medic putting bandage on back of Marine with obvious open wound. Two fellow Marines team up to help wounded Marine to rear area for medical treatment.
U.S. Marine "rocket truck" fires ripple salvo at enemy positions. Rocket launchers mounted on a 3/4-ton military truck fires rockets at Japanese positions. Rocket trucks quickly moving as as Japanese artillery open fire. Marines removing wounded soldiers and a "dug in" CU of Marines taking a breather from battle. Ground artillery firing on Japanese positions. CU of loading shell into artillery gun, gun fires, artillery shell is ejected. Flashes from artillery guns firing at night. Huge explosion as a Japanese shell strikes a U.S. ammunition dump.
Marines using explosives to blast the Japanese out of heavily fortified caves and blockhouses. Several low aerial views of flamethrower tanks in action (flame throwing tank). Several views of U.S. Marines using flamethrowers on Japanese positions. Bodies of dead Japanese soldiers.
U.S. Marines still in field attending mobile church services. Waves washing over wreckage of equipment along landing zone beaches. Huge stacks of empty helmets of U.S. Marines killed in action. U.S. Marine with bandaged head wound walking among the white crosses in cemetery of KIA. Boeing B-29 Superfortress landing at captured airfield, North American P-51 Mustang fighters taking off from captured airfield.
Brief image of Mount Fuji Japan with voice-over of President Franklin D. Roosevelt as he proclaims "With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God".