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Yalu River - U.N. Forces Escape Trap

Public Domain Stock Footage Yalu River - U.N. Forces Escape Trap

Standard Definition: (24-hr. turnaround)
SD 480i --  $449.00
720 x 480 29.97i DV-NTSC Quicktime

keywords: korean war, yalu river, u.s. 7th infantry division, chinese pows, 1st marine division, korean refugees

Synopsis: U.S. 7th Infantry and U.N. forces advance towards the Yalu River using aircraft and artillery support until troops from China cross the border in a lightning attack that pushes allied forces back towards Hungnam...(read more)

  • Date: 1950
  • Duration: 00:16:23
  • Sound: Yes
  • Color: Monochrome
  • Type: Public Domain
  • Language: English
  • Location: Korea

Yalu River - U.N. Forces Escape Trap

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Yalu River - U.N. Forces Escape Trap

U.S. 7th Infantry Division troops advance towards the Yalu River as supporting planes strafe the snow-covered hills around them. They dig in at Hyesanjin on the banks of the frozen Yalu River and eat Thanksgiving dinner in their foxholes.

Chinese prisoners are rounded up as China enters the Korean War and 1st Marine Division troops and tanks retreat along snow-whipped Hagaru road towards Hungnam as C-47 and C-119 transports air drop supplies and equipment. Abandoned supplies and equipment are burned and wounded are evacuated by air from the air strips at Koto and Hagaru. Troops of the 1st Marine Division retreat through snow-covered Hagaru and Koto and many vehicles are abandoned along the road. Chinese prisoners are searched for arms.

Troops of the 1st Marine Division, the 7th Infantry Division and South Korean troops reach Hungnam and are evacuated by landing craft to transports lying offshore as 3rd Infantry Division troops fight a rear-guard action supported by naval guns of the 7th fleet offshore. Wounded men hobble aboard transports as naval units patrol off the coast. Korean refugees flee the advancing Chinese.