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Tornado Takes Toll On Olney TX
- High Definition Film Transfer: (24-hr turnaround)
- HD ProRes -- $180.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p ProRes 422HQ Quicktime
keywords: tragedies and disasters, wicked weather, freak tornado devastation, olney tx
Synopsis: Olney Texas falls victim to a freak tornado that luckily occurred during school hours that insured that area children were in the strongest building of the town while the surrounding area and buildings where heavily damaged (2012-736t.txt)...(read more)
- Date: 1951
- Duration: 00:00:52
- Sound: Yes
- Color: Monochrome
- Type: Public Domain
- Language: English
- Location: United States
Tornado Takes Toll On Olney TX
Scenes of devastation in wake of freak twister that struck Texas town, luckily while children were still in school and most residents in storm cellars. Debris is literally wrapped around trees.
- Related Titles:
- Newsreels: 1951 - May 21