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CIO Labor Union Re-Unites With AFL
- High Definition Film Transfer: (72-hr. turnaround)
- HD ProRes -- $155.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p ProRes 422HQ Quicktime - HD PhotoJPEG -- $155.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p PhotoJPEG Quicktime
keywords: US Labor Unions, AFL, American Federation Of Labor, William Green, CIO, Congress Of Industrial Organizations, John L. Lewis
Synopsis: 10 years after breaking away from AFL and forming the CIO union boss John L. Lewis reunites his CIO under the banner of the AFL - big news for American labor (2007-154f.txt)...(read more)
- Date: 1946
- Duration: 00:00:23
- Sound: Yes
- Color: Monochrome
- Type: Public Domain
- Language: English
- Location: United States
CIO Labor Union Re-Unites With AFL
John L. Lewis, veteran CIO leader and United Mine Workers chief, poses with William Green of the American Federation of Labor after his epochal move in bringing the mine group back into the AFL ranks.
- Related Titles:
- Newsreels: 1946 - January 31