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Sun Babies How Sunlight Affects Growth

Public Domain Stock Footage Sun Babies How Sunlight Affects Growth

Archival Films Professionally Scanned

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keywords: health and medical, child development, sunlight, rickets, stunted growth

Synopsis: Health film about the importance of sunlight in child development and the lack of leads to stunted growth, abnormal bone structure and other general physical abnormalities...(read more)

  • Date: 1926
  • Duration: 00:10:01
  • Sound: No
  • Color: Monochrome
  • Type: Public Domain
  • Language: English
  • Location: United States

Sun Babies - How Sunlight Affects Growth

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Sun Babies - How Sunlight Affects Growth

Examines abnormalities in bone structure and general physical characteristics of infants and children which are caused by insufficient exposure to sunlight. Contrasts the physical development of "sun" babies and of those reared almost entirely indoors. Depicts the remedial effects of exposure to sunlight for planned periods upon children stunted by rickets in their early years of development. Contains both Spanish and English subtitles.

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